Tuesday 23 August 2011

Friends for Tea

Today started off a bit on the slow side.  Sydney woke up a bunch of times last night for whatever reason, so I was feeling pretty foggy when she decided to get up for the day at 6:15am!  We spent the morning getting a few things done around the house as we were expecting friends for tea in the afternoon.

I am organized to a fault.  One of the things that I have really had to let go in having a baby is being able to plan and anticipate everything that's going to happen in advance so that everything runs perfectly smoothly.  It still feels painful to be spontaneous and flexible sometimes! 

Today was one of those days that didn't quite go as planned.  I had envisioned Sydney going down for her usual nap around noon and being able to whip up a batch of banana bread, get the snacks and tea set out for everyone and do a quick once-over of the house to straighten it for company.  All of that went to pot when Sydney decided not to nap at all today!  I spent the better part of two hours trying to get her down only to give up, completely frustrated as I had to fly around the house to get things ready in twenty minutes!

In the end, it all got done and we had a lovely visit with our friends Lori and Michelle and their babes Weston and William.  The kids had fun playing together and the Moms decided to stuff the tea all together and crack out the wine to take the edge off our day! 

Michelle brought me a lovely bouquet of bright and cheerful Gerbera daisies, they are so lovely and really brightened my day!

Lori found a great recipe online for homemade granola bars, super healthy, and brought a bunch to share with us.  They were delicious and Sydney gobbled down an entire one too so they were definitely a hit!

So from a slow start, the day actually ended on a very nice note.  It was lovely to catch up with my two friends and hear about their summer adventures.  Here's hoping tomorrow starts off a bit more smoothly...

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