Tuesday, 21 May 2013

New Pet Fish

Sydney and I took a little trip to the pet store today to find her a new fish to replace her beloved Cookie who met his maker a couple of weeks ago.

We took our time checking out all of the colourful Betta fish available in the store in all shapes and sizes, they really are so beautiful!

In the end, Sydney settled on this beautiful yellow fish and we brought her home to love.

In the car on the way home Sydney was trying to decide what to name her new fish, she quickly said 'Dorothy' just like Elmo's fish, then wanted to call it Susan after me (I know, so sweet!) and then once she got it home and in it's bowl, she proudly announced that her name was going to be Lilac.

A fitting name after a few weeks of relishing in the beauty of our beloved lilac bush in the garden.

Welcome Lilac, we hope you're with us for a very long time!

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