Sunday, 15 June 2014

Paul's Weekend

Every year Paul's birthday and Father's Day fall within a few short days of each other.  Some years they are back to back as they were this year.  What a weekend of celebration we had!

Saturday morning we woke up to a rainy, cool day.  I can't remember the last time it rained on Paul's birthday!  We decided to call it an indoor day and stayed close to home for most of the day before venturing out to Hy's Encore for Paul's birthday dinner.

Syd had been so looking forward to dinner at Hy's for weeks.  She's been there a handful of times with us over the past few years for various occasions and she knows that it's something special when we go there.  Within minutes of getting to the restaurant and settled at our table the waiter brought over a Rusty Nail for Paul with a short, sweet message: "From Lou and Gerry" 

Paul's sweet bro Gerry had sent Paul one of their late Dad's favourite cocktails as a birthday surprise. 

We enjoyed a beautiful steak dinner together along with the best chocolate bourbon cake for dessert, complete with a candle for Paul to make his birthday wish.

Then we woke up Sunday morning to a much more promising looking day.  I had been dying to get out to pick some local strawberries and knew that it would be a very special time together with Daddy on Father's Day so we packed up and headed to Westham Island to Emma Lea Farms and picked from the incredible bounty there!

We had eight pounds of strawberries picked in no time flat!  They were sweet and delicious, we ate almost as many as we picked straight off the bushes!

I even whipped up a batch of homemade strawberry jam when we got home!

After some ice cream and a little play time at the playground we left the farm and headed to Main Street to take in their annual street festival, Car Free Day.

Syd had fun doing crafts and seeing all the sights while Paul and I wandered and enjoyed people watching.

Every year for Paul's birthday I make him an angel food cake, his favourite.  He likes to just rip chunks off the cake to eat it and I always indulge him! 

Paul got a couple of other treats from the office for his birthday too, his receptionist Sabrina made him some delicious cupcakes with fresh fruit on top.

And a patient brought him a lovely bottle of scotch:

And of course Sydney made Daddy a very special Father's Day gift:

There are many things that I love about Paul, he is a wonderful husband and Dad to both Syd and Zach, hard working and loyal, clever, funny, intelligent and witty to name a few.  It was nice to stop for a moment this weekend and recognize him for everything he means to us.  Love you, Paul!  xo

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