Monday, 19 August 2013

Planes, Trains and Pottery

What an adventurous couple of days we've had with Sydney!  Yesterday afternoon Syd and I met up with our friends Weston and Lori to take the kids to their first ever movie, Disney's 'Planes'.

We drove out to Silvercity in Richmond, Sydney was so excited to be there!  We bought our tickets, grabbed some popcorn and settled into our perfectly placed seats in the theatre close to the front without anyone seated in front of us so the kids had a little space to get up and wander if they needed to.

Sydney did surprisingly well during the movie.  Her greatest challenge was keeping her voice down when she was talking to me about what was happening or asking me questions.  I had to shush her quite a few times!

The movie was everything you'd expect from a Disney movie, funny and well written with a wholesome, easy to follow plot.  Sydney happily ate her snacks and seemed to be following what was going on fairly well.

Lori gave both Syd and Weston a new die cast model plane of the main character in the movie, Dusty right before the movie started.  Syd was thrilled to see "her guy" in the movie and played with the toy the entire time!  It was a godsend!

We had one ten minute break mid way through the movie when Syd stood up and loudly announced that she needed to go poo.  It was pretty funny!

What a great time and memory sharing Syd and Weston's first movie together!

On our way home from the movie we stopped at Fisher's Blueberry farm and bought a ten pound box of blueberries for our freezer before the season is over for good!  We sure have loved our berries this summer!

This morning we started our first day of a week long pottery camp at the Dunbar Community Centre.  We did a similar camp last summer and so enjoyed a morning of making coil pots and animals together again.

This afternoon we scratched another item off of our summer bucket list and decided to take a skytrain ride out to the airport for fun.  We rode at the very front of the train both there and back, Syd loved looking out of the huge window and feeling as though she was driving the train!

We stopped for a little snack at the food fair after wandering around for a while before we headed back home.  It was a great little adventure. 

We have been enjoying some evening visits to the park lately and have been collecting wild flowers again to adorn our house!

I just discovered that our neighbour across the street has the exact same rose bush that my Grandma had when I was a kid planted in her garden.  Sydney and I so enjoyed smelling their fragrant blooms, if I closed my eyes I swear I was a little girl standing in my Grandma's front yard all over again!

I love that we are squeezing out every last drop of summer that we can, even though we have so enjoyed every minute it feels like it just went by way too fast!

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